A service that is individual centred
This is a service that is individual centred with the aim of promoting independence. It is provided after a period of illness, injury, hospitalisation, or general health deterioration. It focuses on supporting the individual back to independence or to a level where they manage with minimum help. It is short and intensive, normally about 6 weeks. It aims to reconnect people to their communities and therefore given in the person’s home.
How we do it
Our Support workers are trained to stand back a little as they support, encourage and prompt the citizen use the new skills they have gained, or relearn skills they had lost.
This is an approach that works by supporting the individual with the aim to eventually stop the need for the traditional homecare service. It’s a supportive method that monitors any deterioration, therefore avoiding admission or readmission to hospital.
Reablement is a service that is personlised to the citizen and provides choice and control for their care. It focuses on what the individual can do and uses that as a platform to aim for specific realistic goals.
The benefits of staying in your home are immense
People with dementia need to be supported to live in their own home, where they are fully engaged in their community for as long as possible. By cooperating reablement into their care through a coordinated personalised approach, they can live the life they choose. Staff will have the relevant training in Dementia care to enable them to support the service user, be aware of changes or decline and report them.
As we offer Reablement service we continue to recognise that the service user
Is at the centre and has choice and control of their care
Is treated with care and dignity
Help understand the risk and support them in making decisions
Support their family and friends
Continue existing arrangements for safeguarding
Promote independence in the face of a certain level of risk
Please get in touch today to find out how we can help, for more information call us on 0161 302 0775 or email care@cornellius.org